Learn about our beliefs & our focus
Inspired by hope. Committed to change
Expanding reach. Creating impact beyond borders
Explore answers to important frequently asked questions
Overview of Liberia and the challenges
Lens of impact informed by our founder's story
From being a beneficiary to global changemaker
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Gift an education. Start making a life better today
Donate your time, skills, & emotions virtually or in-person
Building sustainable impact with a sense of responsibility
Be unconventionally & innovatively generous
Meaningfully give your expertise, resource, & time
Review eligibility & apply for tuition assistance
Our buses are required to travel on paved roads only. Our driver can travel on unpaved roads for quick stops or parking (up to 2 minutes).
Our policy requires you to cancel or change your reservation at least 72 hours in advance to receive a refund. View the full reservation policy for details.
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I understand that the video I am about to upload will encourage or inspire students or support students’ education and will contain no curse words, sexual situations or innuendos, illegal or immoral activity, inappropriate graphic images, or violence.
I understand that the video I am uploading will support students’ education and contains no:*curse words*sexual situations or innuendos*illegal or immoral activity*graphic imagery*violence
Inspire students to succeed with a prayer, encouraging message, or just a warm hello.
I understand that the video I am about to upload will encourage or inspire students or support students’ education and will contain no curse words, sexual situations or innuendos, illegal or immoral activity, inappropriate graphic images, or violence
Inspiration Matters! Share with students a part of your story that will help them stay focused, develop confidence, or grow in hope.
I understand that the video I’ve uploaded encourages or supports students’ education and contains no:
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I understand if my reservation begins in less than 72 hours I am not eligible for an 80%refund.