100 percent of your donations go directly to ours students. Our board covers all the operational costs so your gifts can go where they matter most— to educating our 7694 students to date.
With transparency, responsibility, and integrity, we initiate and implement programs for the benefit of the students and communities we serve.
We believe “paying it forward” creates a culture of generosity that improves the quality of life in the communities in which we work– home and abroad.
We believe a collaborative approach unites us with our community— our supporters and students can make a meaningful impact on Liberia's future.
We believe engaging and encouraging youth at home and abroad in service-based education will create a better future for everyone.
"Disregarding the plight of the underprivileged yields no resolution."
We expanded into providing quality transportation for our scholars, establishing scholarship criteria based on research from reputable international institutions, and partnering with grassroots organizations in Liberia to provide unconventional education for amazing students. We believe our work, combined with our collaborations with GivingTuesday, would bring a BETTER FUTURE AHEAD for Liberia.
We identify and pay tuition at 32 schools for high performing students who can't afford their tuition costs.
We provide leadership workshops for 300+ students that stress the importance of education and generosity.
We transport students to and from school and tech them about generosity and volunteering each month during our educational field trips